Saloni loves the activities in her balwadi

Dear Joseph and Chandana, Amit, Bakul, Mamta, and Devi,

Thank you for ensuring that Saloni and 34 other children like her get the benefit of Pratham’s Read India program for a year.

Three year old Saloni lives in a slum community in Mumbai. She has one sister and a brother. Her father sells vegetables in the local market, and her mother is a housewife. She (and her sister, Shalini) has been attending the “balwadi” class conducted in her community for the past year. The balwadi program caters to pre-schoolers, and prepares them for school. She will remain in the program for two more years, after which she will be enrolled in a formal school. Of all the activities, Saloni loves beading the most. Her favorite color is red, and she always picks the red beads to string.

Your donations will ensure that Saloni and 34 other children like her are enrolled in Pratham’s Read India’s balwadi program that prepares children for primary school.

Thank you, for doing your bit to ensure that ‘every child in India is in school and learning well’.

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Shabaiz is gradually starting to learn

Dear Joseph and Chandana, Kanchan, and Ameeta,

Thank you for ensuring that Shabaiz and 35 other children like him get the benefit of Pratham’s Read India program for a year.

Seven year old Shabaiz is a slow learner. He lives in a slum community in Mumbai and has a younger sister who is normal. His father is a driver and his mother is a housewife. In the community that he comes from, a child like Shabaiz would never have had the benefit of an education. However, Pratham volunteers convinced his parents to enroll him in the “balwadi” class conducted in his community, and he has been attending classes for a year. His progress is slow, but in his own way, he takes part in all the activities, and his teacher hopes that he will graduate to primary school soon.

Your donations will ensure that Shabaiz and 34 other children like him are enrolled in Pratham’s Read India’s balwadi program that prepares children for primary school.

Thank you, for doing your bit to ensure that ‘every child in India is in school and learning well’.

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Shalini’s future now looks rosy

Dear Joseph and Chandana, Larry and Roz, and Rohan,

Thank you for ensuring that Shalini and 34 other children like her get the benefit of Pratham’s Read India program for a year.

Four year old Shalini lives in a slum community in Mumbai. She has one sister and a brother. Her father sells vegetables in the local market, and her mother is a housewife. She (and her sister, Saloni) has been attending the “balwadi” class conducted in her community for the past year. The balwadi program caters to pre-schoolers, and prepares them for school. She will remain in the program for another year after which she will be enrolled in a formal school. Shalini is a bright girl and is one of the first to finish all the activities. She loves coming to the balwadi and tries not to miss a single day.

Your donations will ensure that Shalini and 34 other children like her are enrolled in Read India’s balwadi program that prepares children for primary school.

Thank you, for doing your bit to ensure that ‘every child in India is in school and leaning well’.

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Nadeem wants to become an engineer

Dear Chitra, Gopi, Akil, Ishaana, Mihika, Vineeta, Yash, Anne, Kari, and Susan,

Thank you for ensuring that Nadeem and 34 other children like her are enrolled in Pratham’s Read India program for a year.

Seven year old Nadeem lives in a slum community in Mumbai, and studies in grade 2 at a local school. Though she comes from a conservative Muslim family, her parents are determined to give her the best education that they can manage. Which is why, they are so thankful for the Read India Library Program in her community. Unlike in school, here she is encouraged to ask questions, and her teacher is happy to repeat concepts till Nadeem grasps them. Nadeem’s favorite subject is English, and she loves reading the English language books that are there in her library. She wants to become an engineer when she grows up, and with her determination, she is sure to succeed.

Your donations will ensure that Nadeem and 34 other children like her are enrolled in Pratham’s Read India program where they are provided need-based instruction in reading, writing and basic arithmetic to bring them to the literacy levels expected of children their age.

Thank you, for doing your bit to ensure that ‘every child in India is in school and learning well‘.

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Abdul is a diligent student

Dear Aarohi, Manali, Rashmi, Amogh, Anya, Karen, Mona, Aruna, and Sanika,

Thank you for ensuring that Abdul, and 34 other children like him are enrolled in Pratham’s Read India program for a year.
Nine year old Abdul lives in a slum comminity in Mumbai and is a student of grade 4 in a local school. Abdul struggles with reading and writing, and is currently enrolled in a Summer Camp organized by Pratham in his community. His teacher is confident that in a couple of weeks, Abdul will be reading simple books. Abdul is not an outgoing boy, and keeps to himself most of the time. The teacher, however, is working on Abdul’s self-confidence. Abdul dreams of becoming a police officer.
Your donations will ensure that Abdul and 34 other children like him are enrolled in Pratham’s Read India program where they are provided need-based instruction in reading, writing and basic arithmetic to bring them to the literacy levels expected of children their age.
Thank you, for doing your bit to ensure that ‘every child in India is in school and doing well‘.

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Huzaif is very good at drawing buildings

Dear Sonia & Rama, Sonit, Joseph and Chandana, Srikrishna and Malvika, Ava, Arjun, Gurpreet, Krishna, Amrapali, Benu, and Gaja,

Thank you for ensuring that Huzaif, and 34 other children like him are enrolled in Pratham’s Read India program for a year.
Seven year old Huzaif lives in a slum comminity in Mumbai and is a student of grade 2 in a local school. Huzaif struggles with reading and writing, and is currently enrolled in a Summer Camp organized by Pratham in his community. His teacher is confident that in a couple of weeks, Huzaif will be reading simple books.
Huzaif draws very well, and is particularly good at drawing buildings using straight lines. Though his talent seems to lie in architecture, Huzaif dreams of becoming a police officer.
Your donations will ensure that Huzaif and 34 other children like him are enrolled in Pratham’s Read India program where they are provided need-based instruction in reading, writing and basic arithmetic to bring them to the literacy levels expected of children their age.
Thank you, for doing your bit to ensure that ‘every child in India is in school and doing well‘.

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Shy Attash likes attending classes

Dear Sonia & Rama, Digvijay, Joseph and Chandana, Nella & Vivek, Aadiv, Girija, and Mona,

Thank you for ensuring that Attash and 34 other children like him are enrolled in Pratham’s Read India program for a year.
Six year old Attash lives in a slum comminity in Mumbai and is a student of grade 1 in a local school. Attash is very shy, and refuses to open up even with his teachers. He can barely identify the alphabets, and is currently enrolled in a remedial summer camp organized by Pratham’s Read India Program in his community. His teachers are confident that they can break down his barriers, and teach him to read fluently in a few weeks.
Your donations will ensure that Attash and 34 other children like him are enrolled in Pratham’s Read India program where they are provided need-based instruction in reading, writing and basic arithmetic to bring them to the literacy levels expected of children their age.
Thank you, for doing your bit to ensure that ‘every child in India is in school and doing well‘.

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Aniket wants to become an engineer

Dear "ken" Kantu, Damyanti, Joseph and Chandana, Amelia, Rakinder, and Rani,

Thank you for ensuring that Aniket, and 34 other children like him are enrolled in Pratham’s Read India program for a year.

Eleven year old Aniket lives in a slum comminity in Mumbai and is a student of grade 7 in a local school. Aniket wants to become an engineer when he grows up, and his parents support him in his ambition. Since he still cannot read and write fluently in Marathi, he is enrolled in a remedial Summer Camp organised as a part of Pratham’s Read India program, and in a few weeks, he is expected to graduate to reading entire stories. Aniket is a keen footballer and loves playing the game whenever he can.

Your donations will ensure that Aniket and 34 other children like him are enrolled in Pratham’s Read India program where they are provided need-based instruction in reading, writing and basic arithmetic to bring them to the literacy levels expected of children their age.

Thank you, for doing your bit to ensure that ‘every child in India is in school and doing well‘.

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Zaid wants to become a software engineer

Dear Vasudevan, Nirmal, Ashok, N, and Mona,

Thank you for ensuring that Zaid, and 34 other children like him are enrolled in Pratham’s Read India program for a year.

Eleven year old Zaid lives in a slum comminity in Mumbai and is a student of grade 7 in a local school. Despite being in secondary school, Zaid struggles to read words in Marathi. Pratham recently started a remedial summer camp in his community, and in a few weeks, his teachers are confident that Zaid will start reading books fluently. Zaid loves studying and wants to become a software engineer when he grows up. He is also a keen sportsman and loves playing volleyball in school.

Your donations will ensure that Zaid and 34 other children like him are enrolled in Pratham’s Read India program where they are provided need-based instruction in reading, writing and basic arithmetic to bring them to the literacy levels expected of children their age.

Thank you, for doing your bit to ensure that ‘every child in India is in school and doing well‘.

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Sujal loves singing and playing football

Dear Damyanti, Joseph and Chandana, Steve, Hetal, Malay, Shiva, Sejal, Guddi, Gita, and Nandini,

Thank you for ensuring that Sujal, and 34 other children like him are enrolled in Pratham’s Read India program for a year.
Eight year old Sujal lives in a slum comminity in Mumbai and is a student of grade 3 in a local school. Sujal can barely identify the alphabets in Marathi. Pratham recently started a remedial summer camp in his community, and in a few weeks, his teachers are confident that Sujal will start reading fluently. Sujal wants to become a bank manager when he grows up. He loves watching and playing football, and is also a keen singer.
Your donations will ensure that Sujal and 34 other children like him are enrolled in Pratham’s Read India program where they are provided need-based instruction in reading, writing and basic arithmetic to bring them to the literacy levels expected of children their age.
Thank you, for doing your bit to ensure that ‘every child in India is in school and doing well‘.

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