This impact story was published by Pratham. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Moon loves to read

Moon is a student in the 3rd grade. She lives with her parents and her little brother in a village in West Bengal. Her father is a farmer and has studied up to the 8th grade. Her mother is a house wife and has studied up to the 5th grade.

When Pratham organized its first learning camp in Moon’s village in West Bengal for 10 days, the staff tested Moon. At the time, she was at a level of reading letters in Bengali and recognized 10-99 digits in mathematics. Moon attended the Pratham learning camp for 8 out of 10 days. At the end of the first learning camp, Moon was reading at the word level in Bengali. She could recognize 100-999 digits and could do addition and subtraction.

Moon continued attending the learning camps as and when they were held. At the end of the final third learning camp, Moon was reading at the story level in Bengali and could do multiplication!

One morning, Pratham staff visited Moo’s place and noticed that Moon was reading with her brother. They asked Moon, “Do you enjoy reading now?” She enthusiastically replied, “Yes! I love reading books now.”

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