posted October 11, 2013
When Pratham tested all the students in Hasan’s neighborhood last year, tests showed that Hasan could only read words. As a 5th grader, he should have been able to read entire chapter books. This led his father to enroll him in the Pratham Summer Camp, an after-school program that helps bring children up to the appropriate learning level. Over the course of the year, Hasan has learned to read and write effectively with the help of Pratham’s special teaching techniques and unique pedagogy. Hasan loves to attend school and the learning camp as he says that his classes are fun and interesting.
His Pratham teachers say that he is extremely creative and he comes up with the most original stories in the classroom. In his spare time, Hasan loves to play hide-and-seek with his friends. Hasan wants to be in the military when he grows up.
A big thanks to all of you for your generous support!!
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