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Nagma is brimming with self confidence

Sheik Nagma
Dear Rakesh, Rishab, Sharmila, Vasudevan, Rahul, Anita, Chaya, Kedar, Sumant, and Nalini,

Thank you for ensuring that Nagma and 34 other children like her are enrolled in Pratham’s Read India program for a year.

Twelve year old Nagma lives in a slum community in Mumbai, and studies in grade 8 at a local school. Though she liked attending school, there has been a huge change in Nagma since she started attending the Read India Library Program in her community where she was encouraged to pick up and read books. Not only was her interest in reading kindled by the program, she developed a lot of self confidence because she was encouraged to ask questions and to express herself trough role play and storytelling. Nagma is now brimming with self confidence, and despite coming from a fairly conservative Muslim family dreams of becoming a choreographer.

Your donations will ensure that Nagma and 34 other children like her are enrolled in Pratham’s Read India program where they are provided need-based instruction in reading, writing and basic arithmetic to bring them to the literacy levels expected of children their age.

Thank you, for doing your bit to ensure that ‘every child in India is in school and learning well‘.

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