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Khushi knows more than most children her age

Khushi Delhi balwaadi
Dear Chandu, Sairam, Shelley, Neha, Sanjay, Vijay, Rachana, and Katie,

Thank you for ensuring that Khushi and 29 other children like her are enrolled in Pratham’s Read India program for a year.

Four year old Khushi from Delhi loves to play with dolls. Unfortunately her parents cannot afford too many of them but they know that a Pratham Baalwadi gives tiny tots all that they need to make a happy and healthy child. Khushi comes to the class daily and learns rhymes, numbers and lots of stories. She is fond of the train and wishes to ride on it one day. Thanks for your contribution towards Read India’s Balwaadi programme, Khushi will for sure ride on her dreams.

Your donations will ensure that Khushi and 29 other children like her are enrolled in Pratham’s Read India’s balwadi program that prepares children for primary school.

Thank you, for doing your bit to ensure that ‘every child in India is in school and doing well’.

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