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Gauri now loves reading

Gauri Library
Dear Digvijay, Shivam, Uma, Neelima, Tom, Bharat, Santosh, Eric, Senthilkumar, Sanjana, and Jamie,

Thank you for ensuring that Gauri and 29 other children like her are enrolled in Pratham’s Read India program for a year.

Gauri from Delhi was disinterested in school. It was boring and quite a chore. All she enjoyed was recess time when all children played in the fields and the girls chatted with each other. But it’s not the same now. Gauri’s school now has a new class – Pratham Library Class. She loves reading the simple and colourful story books. Gauri now wants to be a teacher and tell stories to children. Thank you for supporting Pratham in its effort to get children like Gauri interested in reading.

Your donations will ensure that Gauri and 29 other children like her are enrolled in Pratham’s Read India program where they are provided need-based instruction in reading, writing and basic arithmetic to bring them to the literacy levels expected of children their age.

Thank you, for doing your bit to ensure that ‘every child in India is in school and doing well’.

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