This impact story was published by Pratham. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Ashish loves to mimic people

Dear Joseph,

Seven year old Ashish from Mumbai is struggling with his math but he’s getting better with it by the day, tells his teacher. His father works in a motor shop while his mother stays at home looking after the house and his other two siblings. Ashish loves to mimic his classmates and doesn’t even spare the teachers at times. Thanks for your contribution towards Read India that helps many others like Ashish to live their childhood and fulfill their dreams.

Your donation, Joseph, would ensure that Ashish, and 19 other children like him are enrolled in Pratham’s Read India program where they are provided need-based instruction in reading, writing and basic arithmetic to bring them to the literacy levels expected of children their age.

Thank you, for doing your bit to ensure that ‘every child in India is in school and doing well‘.

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